In its second year, the employee-led Lozier Community Grant program supported 50 nonprofit organizations across the country. Recipients were selected by employee committees in all five Lozier locations. Over the next couple of months, the recipient organizations’ stories of impact will be shared on LozierLink.
ADEC serves Elkhart and St. Joseph counties in Indiana with Day Programs and employment services. ADEC advocates and serves people with intellectual and development disabilities so that they can make informed choices to meet their dreams, needs and participate in the community.
Lozier’s Community Grant supported ADEC’s Middlebury Day program, sponsoring field trips, including one to the local Hall of Heroes exhibition.
A retired Lozier employee whose husband recently celebrated 45 years of service at the company currently works at ADEC’s Middlebury location.
“Without the Lozier Community Grant, we would not have been able to take everyone out and do things,” Alexis Murr said. “We all have problems in life and we all need to be out in our community doing things, and the Lozier Grant helps us afford that experience for everyone here.
For more information and to support ADEC, visit the group’s website.