In its second year, the employee-led Lozier Community Grant program supported 50 nonprofit organizations across the country. Recipients were selected by employee committees in all five Lozier locations. Over the next couple of months, the recipient organizations’ stories of impact will be shared on LozierLink.
Heart Ministry Center provides food, health care in a way, for the people severely affected by poverty in Omaha. So when community members come in to get their pantry, it is Jimmy King and team’s job to find out why they’re coming without too much pressure. Then the team can introduce other programs and help people get become self-sufficient.
“Everyone struggling with something. Someone’s going through something,” the Food Distribution Director said. “Whether you’re a volunteer, a willing partner, a fresh start, an employer employee here, the truth is, we leave that at the door. and that’s our motto is dignity for all. And so we’ve noticed that these people aren’t just coming here for the food. They’re here for, for for the love.”
What makes Heart Ministry Center’s food program unique is the option to have a shopping experience.
“The community members get to choose what they want to pick what they want to eat, rather than just, a pantry, a drive through, put it in their trunk, and so long they’re getting the dignity, the dignity to be able to pick out what they want. That’s what kind of separates us from other pantries.”
The pantry serves around 1,100 every week, with an average of four people per family, that’s around 4,000 people they affect. People can also choose from the express experience, forgoing the option to select items from the panty.

Volunteers gather before the morning rush, King and other leaders bringing up the energy and saying words of encouragement.
“The shopping experience is where is where the good stuff is. That’s where we get to know them a little bit better. Build that relationship, perhaps find out why they’re why they’re here.”
Heart Ministry Center received around 65 percent of its food from local food banks and they purchase the rest. With a large monthly food bill, King says donations like Lozier’s go a long way to serving the need in the community.
“Lozier’s community grant is going to help us out in so many ways because the great need is always there. When our community member comes in hungry, when they leave, they got some food and fruit. That to me is what we call change, but also that they are not forgotten and giving hope to the homeless. It’s super important and that’s why I keep coming back.”
To learn more about the Heart Ministry Center, visit their website. For details on the Lozier Community Grant program, click here.