Anna Hadan assists Open House attendees in making their own shelf.
Lozier’s most popular shelf tops can now be measured in inches. Through an Engineering Intern’s innovation, anyone can bend and press their own keychain version of Lozier’s nationally known products.
“Many students and companies interact with Lozier at conferences or school visits and hear about what Lozier does,” Engineering Intern Anna Hadan said. “We had the idea to make something that can physically show what we do.”
Hadan’s big idea was a 2 by 1 inch shelf top that can be bent into Lozier’s signature shape all with a hand press brake. Debuted at Omaha’s Manufacturing Month Open house, employees and children had the opportunity to bend their own shelf top keychains, laser cut from sheet metal in-house.
Community Outreach and Engagement Manager Ralph Kleinsmith taught everyone how to manufacture their keychain in four easy bends while an instructional video by Brand Manager Josh Gear played for those in line to get a head start. Hadan also stepped in for a few rounds, showing others how to create something that was once just an idea.

“I showed a couple little girls how to use the press at the Open House, and they were surprised that I was a female in engineering that designed the activity,” Hadan said. “They said ‘wow’ and told me that I was amazing. It made me feel like I had a huge impact even if it was just one key chain. It showed me that this keychain isn’t just a recruitment tool, but it might also help people realize what they can be capable of.”
In the early stages of the project, Hadan experimented with 3D printed and resin versions of her idea, ultimately landing on the sheet metal blank. This was laser cut and clear coated at Lozier’s North Plant with the help of Turret Programmer-Scheduler Doug Wiley and the production team.
“Because the pieces are going to be lasered out and have Lozier’s logo, I worked with Doug to make sure we can do something that small,” Hadan said. “He thought it was super cool and worked with me to make this project happen.”
1,500 blanks were produced in the first production run. The blanks and press have already been used in the field at the Open House and at a Metropolitan Community College Meet and Greet.
“This keychain not only allows us to offer a hands-on activity at our career fair booths, but it also allows us to tell the story of Lozier, who we are and that its more than just a shelf,” Hadan said.