Every Friday of the school year, Millard South Counseling sets aside time for a local industry or business partner to visit Millard South High School to speak with students who are interested in a specific career pathway. Last week, Community Outreach and Engagement Manager Ralph Kleinsmith spoke with Sophomores and Juniors who are currently taking classes at the school in Skilled Trades (welding, small engines, construction) and career academies with Metropolitan Community College.
The Omaha students specifically chose last week’s program to learn more about what Lozier has to offer in Skilled Trades careers. Lozier supports the high school and all of Millard School District with plant tours, visits and presentations but also with scrap metal for there welding programs. A number of the current Sponsorship for the Trades staff are graduates of the Millard School system.

Monday, Millard South along with Omaha area high schools Lewis Central and Elkhorn North all picked up scrap metal coupons for their welding & fabrication programs. More than 300 students will benefit from the scrap metal donation. Each of these schools benefited from storage fixture donations as well. Machine Operator Jackie Schaben and Machine Operator Lead Rigoberto Ocon loaded up the steel benefiting the three schools.