Wednesday marked a low-key celebration for a major milestone, but if you know Elton Foster, you’ll know that’s exactly how he liked it.
September 5, 1973 marked the first time Foster reported to work at Lozier. For a half-century, the West Plant Machine Operator has worked in production, collecting a lifetime of stories and friendships along the way.

“It’s been good for all these years here,” Foster said. “I’ve had a lot of people that followed me, they’ve appreciated what I’ve had to say about a lot of things.” Foster’s brothers and son stopped in to celebrate while members of the West Plant team gathered to recognize Elton’s career accomplishment. In addition, Andy Lozier stopped in with praise and presents to mark the occasion.

Remarking on Elton’s relationship with his grandfather, Andy presented the gift of a fabricated Lozier 50 medallion that belonged to Allan, with Andy remarking that the company founder would have loved that it went to Elton. Foster said he’s proud of his family’s commitment to Lozier- his mother worked at the plant before him, and his brother Garon joined Lozier not long after. In total, the Foster family proudly celebrates more than 400 years of combined Lozier experience.

The 68-year-old said he’s honored by the progress and brand reputation he’s helped create at Lozier.

“It’s all about making a good product,” Elton said. “When a customer goes to spend their money, they don’t want to buy any junk, and we don’t make any junk!” With five decades of manufacturing behind him, Elton said he’s pushing for five more years, at least.

“My son always joked about my working at Lozier until I’m 75 years old,” Elton said with a grin. “I’m 68 now, so I’m thinking 5 more years, at least.”