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Expanding what Lozier offers to retail with the partnerships designed to give you more.

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Lozier partners with several companies to bring industry leading technologies and manufacturing expertise to the market place. Partnering with these companies utilizes the strengths of Lozier and the focus of each partner to bring customers technological and innovative products that surpasses their expectations.

Casi logo

Based in Frisco, Texas, Cornerstone Automation Systems (CASi) partnered with Lozier to form the world’s preeminent retail automation effort. Combining manufacturing might with technical innovation, Lozier+CASI makes retail work smarter and faster.

Casi technology pictures

Lozier + Casi logo

The Lozier and CASi partnership is responsible for product solutions like the CASi-IBOD, an automatic box cutter that provides safe inventory extraction while eliminating injuries and minimizes damaged product, and the Agility Flexible Conveyor, a dynamic and modular powered material handler designed to move items in difficult environments.

Lozier + Casi mutual product images